Mbali Nhlapho the house keeper, joins Net Nine Nine as a brand ambassador

Becoming a Hero

Being a South African is not easy, high levels of poverty and unemployment, lacking basic service delivery, and rising costs are just a few of the challenges that citizens of our country battle on a daily basis.

For many in the world the issues South African’s face everyday would be too much to bear, keeping them in their beds hiding from the challenges and obstacles they are certain to face, But take a look outside over the busy streets on our beautiful country you will see the hurried bustle of the hard working, and diligent South African’s that make our country tick.

The Truth

The truth is that South Africa is special, not because of its majestic landscapes, or diverse culture, not because of the big five, its stunning sunsets or the gold beneath our feet. Its special because of its people.

Mzansi is made up of some of the most talented, hard working and resilient people in the world. if only our people were granted half an opportunity they would make the most of it.

At Net Nine Nine we love Mzansi and the people who make this country great, from the Taxi driver to the car guard we believe that our people can become hero’s in their community inspiring others to do the same, it starts with you.

Celebrating Mandela Month

As we begin to celebrate Mandela’s month this July 2024 we hope you will inspire greatness by showing how you can Be a Hero. Lend a hand to your neighbor, give a good tip to your petrol attendant or buy your local street performer a loaf of bread. Even a menial act of kindness may make a huge difference to the life of someone less fortunate.

As we remember our past Hero’s this Mandela’s month, Lets remember the incredible contributions they made to our rainbow nation, and allow their sacrifices inspire us to make a positive change to our Mzansi.

Making a difference

At Net Nine Nine we are committed to making a difference in our communities every month, in each of the Net Nine Nine regions our sales and marketing teams identify and coordinate CSI (community social investment) initiatives in order to assist a community with a challenge they face.

Whether its donating blankets to the less fortunate, promoting Gender based Violence awareness, running soup kitchens, or partnering with organizers of anti-drug abuse soccer tournaments we’re committed to you Mzansi.

Find out about the next initiative in your community on our Facebook page below by clicking the button below and let us know what you plan to do for your 67 minuted for Mandela day. Lets Inspire all on Mzansi to be a Hero.