Mbali Nhlapho the house keeper, joins Net Nine Nine as a brand ambassador

Regional Sales Managers – a day in their shoes.

Interacting with clients and managing staff isn’t everybody’s daily cup of coffee. Ever wonder what goes through the daily life of Net Nine Nine’s Regional Sales Manager? Worry no more; “Be a Hero” sought answers for you. After reading this, you will understand the daily activities of our Regional Managers, and know what its like to spend a day in their shoes.

At Net Nine Nine regional managers are leaders of our teams based across the country, looking after the interests of our clients and the company. They are the ones who make the machines tick, ensuring you get connected and can start enjoying our services.

Many clients have asked the “Be a Hero” team what our managers do, what opportunities there are within our brand and how the daily operation functions. Here is just one role in Net Nine Nine and how the various managers run their days.


The charismatic William Ratladi, Regional Manager from Mpumalanga, who heads stores in Mhluzi and KwaGuqa, says his life revolves around his clients. He gave the impression that he almost works 24 hours a day, even seven days a week, as he admits to having calls even during weekends.

“My day starts immediately when the store opens, and I make sure that we’re open on time to avoid clients having to wait for staff to arrive,” explained Ratladi. “I ensure everything is organized in the store to operate without any hindrance and sometimes initiate special measures to excite our clients when they arrive to make payments or inquire about our service. The tools of trade are crucial in this business and must be in top working condition, which is my responsibility. Happy and satisfied customers are my priority. They must always get what they want; they’re our bosses, aren’t they?” he said with a chuckle.

He continued: “From the office, I go on to the ground with my team, which includes sales agents. We knock on every door to ensure we bring business to the company while helping communities get connected with internet fiber. It is critical for installations to happen daily and on time as communicated to the client, and our contractors must make sure it happens.”


Ronny Mofokeng has vast experience in internet fiber, having spent almost a decade connecting people to the best means of communication. The Regional Manager for Ga-Rankuwa and Hammaskraal has set monthly targets for himself and his sales team, “And I’m happy to say we hit the mark all the time.”

“I focus on all activities happening in both regions to ensure we get the desired results monthly. It’s essential to get more attraction everywhere and resolve any issues. Ensuring staff are well trained to interact with clients professionally in line with company policies and codes of conduct is crucial,” said Mofokeng, better known as Maronza.

“We have daily meetings to plan the day and review achievements. There are challenges, but as a Regional Manager, it’s your responsibility to resolve them. Sales agents have targets, and so do I from the head office. Our clients sometimes struggle to understand our service and payment methods.”

WESTONARIA – Simunye, Bekkersdal, & Glenharvie

Lybon Mashinbyi is passionate about his work: “My staff gets a brief on the latest from the company, and we map the way forward for the day. I’m happy to give them the breakdown on targets, and we push each other to meet them. One of the biggest challenges is fiber breaks and having to explain to clients. Though it’s only for a few hours, it has a bad impact on us,” he said, indicating they don’t suffer much from infrastructure damage. “I enjoy my work, and clients are not hesitant to pay their fees because they get the best service from us.”


Gabisile Mthembu regards herself as a conveyor-belt between the head office, staff, and clients. “I sell a lot,” she revealed. “I have mastered how our clients think and which dates of the month they come to the store for payments. Verification and billing seem to be our challenges, but we are able to resolve them quickly, making our clients happy. Store coordinators communicate a lot with us to ensure clients are getting good service.”

RUSTENBURG – Boitekong

Portia Mbiza sees herself as a salesperson, viewing her title of Regional Manager as just a fancy term. Her job centers around the field and targets, bringing her to the conclusion of being a seller. She told “Be a Hero”: “Our responsibility is to empower our staff to ensure they know everything about sales and what to do when confronted by challenges. My staff are my friends, and we share everything, building each other up. Our challenges include differences with politicians, often referring matters to councilors. But overall, it’s a job I enjoy.”


Tshepo Maphosho starts his day with a morning meeting to discuss the previous day and provide assistance where necessary. “I start at 8 am at the office, and by 10 o’clock. I venture into the field to train sales agents, especially the low performers. I check what could be hindering their performance, From there I focus on team leaders who need my attention. Most people can be a sales agent, but not everyone can be a leader. It’s my responsibility to ensure leaders lead.”

Maphosho’s main concern is the youth in the Free State who seem uninterested in working. “Most people who want to work are not capable of doing the job. Some are eager but not cut out for it. Some come and work for a week and leave. That’s how hard it is on the ground. It’s crucial for me as a Regional Manager to stay updated on the happenings around my area.”

We hope you enjoyed reading about our regional sales managers and a day in their shoes, keep your questions coming and soon we’ll be answering yours.