Zimbabwe Investment Summit

Mbali Nhlapho the house keeper, joins Net Nine Nine as a brand ambassador

Promoting internet access at Zimbabwe Investment summit.

Our dream at Net Nine Nine is to provide affordable access to the internet throughout all of Africa. Our pilot area in Kagiso, Gauteng has proven the need for an affordable and high quality alternative to mobile data exists. Extremely high mobile data costs means that many African’s only use data for their most crucial needs. For many this impairs their ability to achieve greatness.

At the Zimbabwe Investment Summit this year both Zimbabwean and South African delegates expressed the needs of service providers like Net Nine Nine to create a competitive environment to help drive data prices down.

Affordable data prices will be to the benefit of all African’s across our beautiful continent.

Affordable access.

Africa has some of the most expensive data across the world. This is made worse by the fact that many African’s earn less than their international counterparts. African’s are forced to limit their use of the internet, in-turn reducing their ability to compete on a global scale.

Zimbabwe summit highlights need for affordable access.

Delegates from the Zimbabwe Investment summit explain that Zimbabwe is filled with talented artisans, craftsmen, entrepreneurs, business people and small businesses that need affordable ways to get on the map. Often having the ability to communicate, advertise and facilitating purchases is made significantly easier through digital channels.

A big thank you.

Thank you to the Radisson Hotel and conference centre as well as all the Zimbabwe Investment Summit for allowing us to be a part of your events. We enjoy meeting all the Zimbabwean and South African delegates, and hope to be invited to more events like this in the near future.

Africa we are behind you as we enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution.