Theme Song Competition – Entries have closed.

Out of 117 Entries Only the Top Ten remain – Vote for your favorite.

Net Nine Nine stays true to its tradition of uplifting local talent.

Net Nine Nine launched the competition in August 2023 in the search for a talented up & coming musician to assist with the creation of its theme song. The competition is aimed at any person within the Net Nine Nine coverage areas, artists are welcome to submit tracks from all musical styles, genres and beats.

Vote to help us choose the winner.

The winning artist will be offered R5 000 to assist them with a professional recording of their song, R5 000 for their pocket and exclusive rights for their song to be played as theme song for Net Nine Nine’s for 3 months.

Vote for your favorite

To Vote check out the Net Nine Nine YouTube Channel listen to the songs and post your favorite artists name under the song competition Post on our Facebook page. Only one vote will be counted per account.

Voting will close on Friday 29 September 2023

Only the 5 Songs with the highest number of votes will go into the finals

The Top Ten – Congratulations to these Talented finalists. (click the artist name to go to their song on our Youtube.)

Voting Criteria:

•  The song must be an original piece and represent the Net Nine Nine Fibre as the theme.

•  The song must be 1 – 2 minutes long and can be of any genre.

•   Only one vote will be counted per person.

•   The song may not contain any offensive language, swearing or explicit content and must be family friendly.

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Vote For your Favorite Song

Net Nine Nine Theme Song Competition.