Madiba Day CSI

Madiba Day initiatives across SA

Former Communications Minister elaborates more about AI and 4IR

Dignity for all

Here At Net Nine Nine we believe that all South Africans deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Unfortunately some South Africans need our help more than others. When it comes to CSI (corporate social investment) initiatives, we do our best to focus on the people who need our help the most. We want to ensure that our initiatives have a chance to make the most difference possible to the lives of our people.

The Struggle

South Africa is plagued with mass unemployment, a lack of affordable access to education, and low access to upskilling or entrepreneurship opportunities. Despite our people being some of the hardest working and most resilient people in the world, many are forced to go without key necessities that allow them to live with dignity. Simple necessities like sanitary towels, healthy food, blankets, and decent clothing are often overlooked as these less fortunate people struggle to put food on the table for their families.

Madiba Day CSI

This year for Mandela Day, we were fortunate enough rolled out CSI initiatives in Ga-Rankuwa, Hammanskraal, Kwa-guqa, Mhluzi, Phuthaditjhaba, Rocklands, Thabong, Westonaria, and Kagiso. Our initiatives were designed to assist the most underprivileged community members with necessities to make life a little more livable.

This month the Net Nine Nine regional Sales Managers identified important needs for their respective communities. These are the area’s our regional managers grew up in, allowing them to have key insights into the most relevant and important challenges their communities face.

Our Net Nine Nine teams gave up time in their busy schedules to donate groceries, sanitary pads, soup, blankets, school shoes, heaters, non-perishable food and more to the most vulnerable members within their communities. This is all a part of our commitment to the improving the towns we serve this Madiba Day.

Inspiring the change

We hope that our small contribution will help inspire businesses, and good Samaritans to also help their communities further. Let us ensure that all South African’s can live with dignity, not only for the 67 minutes for Mandela day, but any time we have the ability to do so.

Together we can build a better future for South Africa and improve the lives of all the people who live in our beautiful country.

Richard Genlloud – Head of Marketing, Net Nine Nine.