Bekkersdal – Community Clean-Up Project.
21 January 2023
Recreational spaces such as community parks and spaces have become a dumping ground for waste that can be harmful to both the environment and the community itself, & Bekkersdal is not an exception to this.
The youth of Bekkersdal is concerned about the massive increase of substance abuse amongst their peers as a result of the absence of adequate parks for sports like Netball and soccer to help keep them off the streets as public rubbish dumps have become a recurrent issue in this town.
Net Nine Nine took the initiative of calling out the community of Bekkersdal and some of their staff to dedicate a day to cleaning up the community’s park and surrounding areas. The clean-up took place from 8am until 4pm with food and water breaks in between.
“We haven’t seen Bekkersdal park this clean in over a year now, and I am excited to start a local Netball team so that we can keep our youth off the streets”, said one of the community champions.
The cleanup was a chance for Net Nine Nine to give back to the community and promote fibre education and the changes that fibre brings about in the community.
The Net Nine Nine team provided refuse bags, removal trucks and t-shirts to all the participants on the day, they also gave away collateral as a thank you gift for helping create the change within Bekkersdal.
The community members expressed gratitude for the clean-up initiative and the impact this park would have on their children.

Net Nine Nine- CSI Projects
Net Nine Nine – Hires Bekkersdal Residents to Clean Refuse Filled Park.
21 January 2023